عماد الدین پادری بطور مترجم قرآن
ʿImād al-Dīn Pādrī as Translator of the Holy Quran
For the Muslims of the Sub-continent, the time around 1857 A.D. was full of atrocities and difficulties. In this era, the Muslims were attacked politically, culturally, socially and religiously by the English. Many a groups of the orientalists and missionaries undertook Islam as their target to shake the strong bond among the Muslims. The character of the Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him) and the status of the Holy Book of Islam were maligned to create doubts. Though their efforts did not bear fruits expected by them yet some Muslims having weak faith fell a prey to the traps set by the missionaries and were converted to Christianity, ʿImād al Dīn Pādrī was one of them.
He devoted himself to mislead people against the Qur'an, the last message of Allah Almighty. The title of his Urdu translation of the Holy Qur'an is “Tarjama-tul-Qur'an ba Urdu Zaban” which he certainly used to misguide the Muslim masses. The mistranslations, grammatical errors and misquotations rightly prove his bad intentions. This paper seeks to highlight all dishonest opinions of ʿImād-ul-Dīn Pādrī while translating the Holy Qur'an.
Amdād Sābrī, Frngion kā Jāl (Dehlī)
Thākur Dās, Maseeh ky Nortan (Lahore: Maseeh Isha̒at Khāna, 1995), 3:10.
Amdād Sābrī, Frangio kā Jāl, 164.
Thākur Dās, Maseeh ky Nortan, 17.
̒Imād al-Dīn, Wāqiyāt-e-̒Imādiya (Lahore: Punjab Religious Society, 1934), 10.
̒Imād al-Dīn, Wāqiyāt-e-̒Imādiya, 12.
̒Imād al-Dīn, Wāqiyāt-e-̒Imādiya, 12.
Khutbāt, 602.
Thākur Dās, Maseeh ky Nortan, 13-14.
Mirzā Ghulām Ahamd Qādiyānī, Jang-e-Muqaddas (Qādiyān), 151.
̒Imād al-Dīn, Tarjuma al-Quran ba Urdu Zubān (Amritsar: National Press, 1894), 3.
Al-Nisa̒ 4:171.
Al-Ma'’da 5:16.
Al-Ma'’da 5:16.
Al-Nisa’ 4:17.
Al-Wadduhā 93:6-7.
Al-Ma'’da 5:19.
Al-Al-e-̒Imrān 3:54.
Al-Nisa’ 4:24.
̒Imād al-Dīn, Tarjuma al-Quran ba Urdu Zubān, 41.
Fatah Muhammad Jalandhrī.
Ahmad Razā Khān
Jalāl al-Dīn ̒Abd al-Rahmān Ibn Abū bkr, al-Suyūtī, Tafseer Jalāleen: Bazeel Ayāt Wa al-Muḥsināt min al-Nisa’.
Allāma Hussain Wā̒iz Kāshfī, Tafseer-e-Hussainī, trans. Molvī Syed ̒Abd al-Rahmān Bukhārī (Karachi: H-M Sa̒eed Company), 1:119.
Abū ̒Alī Fadhal ibn Hassan Tabrasī, Majma̒ fī Tafseer al-Quran (Beirut: Dār al-Ma̒rafa), 3:52.
Al-Nisa’ 4:3.
Ahmad Razā Khān
Al-Nisa’ 4:25.
̒Imād al-Dīn, Tarjuma al-Quran ba Urdu Zubān, 41.
Muhammad Ibn Ya̒qoob Kleenī, Usool al-Kāfī (Beirut: Mo'sat al-A̒lamī), 2;194.
Imām Bukhārī, Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, Hadith no: 4216,
Imām Muslim, Saḥīḥ al-Muslim, Hadith no: 1407,
Imām Tirmidhī, Sunan Tirmidhī, Hadith no: 1134.
Al-Tabaranī, Al-Mu̒jam Aowsat (Riādh: Maktabah Al-Mu̒āraf, 1416 A.H), 942.
Al-Tabaranī, Al-Mu̒jam al-Kabīr (Beirut: Dār al-Aḥyā al-Turās al-̒Arabī), Hadith no: 10601.
Ibn Abī Shaybah, Al-Musannaf (Karachi: Idara al-Qurān), 292-293.
Ibn Abī Shaybah, Al-Musannaf, Hadith no: 14042.
Ibn Abī Shaybah, Al-Musannaf, Hadith no: 14043,
Imām Abī Bakr Bahīqī, Sunan al-Kubrā al-Bahīqī, 7:207.
Ibn Abī Shaybah, Al-Musannaf, Hadith no: 14044,
Imām Abī Bakr Bahīqī, Sunan al-Kubrā al-Bahīqī, 7:207.
Al-Al-e-̒Imrān 3:61.
̒Imād al-Dīn, Tarjuma al-Quran ba Urdu Zubān, 30.
Ahmad Razā Khān
Al-Baqarah 2:6.
̒Imād al-Dīn, Tarjuma al-Quran ba Urdu Zubān, 3.
Fatah Muhammad Jalandhrī
Ahmad Razā Khān
̒Abdullah Ibn ̒Umar al-BeydhāwĪ, Anwār al-Tanzeel wa Isrār al-Tāweel (Beirut: Dār al-Aḥyā al-Turās al-̒Arabī, 41.
Al-Al-e-̒Imrān 3:43.
̒Imād al-Dīn, Tarjuma al-Quran ba Urdu Zubān, 29.
Fatah Muhammad Jalandhrī
Ahmad Razā Khān
Ibrāhīm Ibn ̒Umar Ibn Hassan al-Rabāṭ al-Baqāyī, Nazm al-Darar fī Tanāsub al-Ayāt wa al-Sūr (Qāhirah: Dār al-Kitāb al-Islāmī), 4:374.
̒Abdullah Ibn ̒Umar al-BeydhāwĪ, Anwār al-Tanzeel wa Isrār al-Tāweel, 16.
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