Al-NASR en-US Thu, 12 Sep 2024 18:25:25 +0000 OJS 60 The Nexus of Political Instability and Economic Uncertainty in Islamic Republic of Pakistan: A Way Forward <p>The ongoing political instability and economic uncertainty in Pakistan have raised significant concerns regarding the nation's future trajectory. This paper explores the intricate nexus between political turmoil and economic challenges, analyzing how they mutually reinforce each other to hinder progress and stability. Drawing on Islamic principles of governance, justice, and economic management, this study proposes an Islamic framework as a potential solution to Pakistan’s crises. The Islamic perspective emphasizes principles such as Shura (consultation), Adl (justice), and Maslahah (public welfare), which can offer a balanced approach to governance and economic reform. By incorporating these values into the political and economic systems, Pakistan can create a more stable and equitable environment conducive to growth and development.</p> <p>This research outlines practical strategies grounded in Islamic teachings, focusing on establishing trust in leadership, promoting social justice, and ensuring equitable distribution of resources. Additionally, the role of ethical leadership and accountability is highlighted as a means to restore public confidence and attract investment, fostering economic resilience. The paper concludes by suggesting that a shift toward an Islamic framework can provide a holistic and sustainable path for addressing Pakistan’s political and economic challenges, paving the way for long-term stability and prosperity.</p> Freeha Naz, Dr. Jawwad Riaz Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Unveiling the Dark Side: Understanding Social Media's Adverse Effects on Muslim Individuals and Societies <p>Online entertainment has significantly transformed individuals' lives, including those in Muslim societies. While social media offers convenience, it also imposes emotional and psychological strain, which is evident in all aspects of life for social, emotional, and spiritual. The rapid growth of social networks, the proliferation of various social media platforms, and the growing prevalence of social media addiction necessitate an urgent exploration of their negative aspects, particularly within the context of Islamic values and norms. This paper examines the adverse effects of social media on individuals in Muslim societies through literature reviews and case studies, highlighting issues such as the pressure to continuously check for new updates, anxiety stemming from online comparisons, and depression caused by cyberbullying. Prolonged social media use may lead to self-isolation, social barriers, and a false sense of security, which contradicts the principles of communal life in Islam. By focusing on the challenges faced by Muslim users, this study aims to raise awareness of the spiritual and social implications of social media within Islamic communities.</p> Kanwal Ameen, Jamshaid Iqbal Janjua, Muntaha, Muhammad Touqeer Awan, Fatima Noor, Tahir Abbas Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Color Symbolism in Medieval and Safavid Manuscripts and in Islamic Aesthetics: A Historical and Comparative Analysis <p>The inquisitive nature of mankind is always looking for ways to explore things of its interest. It is interesting to write about art, architecture and artefacts but without consulting about color; the study remains incomplete.&nbsp; Color symbolism in manuscripts has always been a rich source of studying diverse cultural and religious history. In the art of manuscripts, colors were not solely used to create an ideal reality but also gave meaning to the illustrations. Color symbolism is an essential part in every religious as well as secular art but the meaning and symbology may not be similar. The aim of this research paper is to draw attention to the color symbolism of Christian Medieval period and ‘Safavid’ Period manuscripts. The study provides that the metaphorical use of colors, their similarities, comparisons and expressionist style having different impacts in two diverse art works belong to mystical, religious and emerging time periods. Moreover, the paper is based on hermeneutic exploratory and descriptive research using the technique of innate expressionism.</p> Amna Anwaar Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Economics of Equality: A Quantitative Analysis of Wealth Distribution in Islamic Societies <p>This article explores "The Economics of Equality: A Quantitative Analysis of Wealth Distribution in Islamic Societies," examining the principles of wealth distribution as outlined in Islamic teachings and their application in contemporary economic contexts. It begins by contextualizing the concept of economic equality within Islamic frameworks, emphasizing the moral imperatives that guide wealth redistribution through mechanisms such as zakat, charitable giving, and ethical business practices. The paper identifies and analyzes the challenges to achieving economic equality in Islamic societies, including structural inequalities, corruption, political instability, and the effects of globalization. A quantitative analysis of wealth distribution in selected modern Islamic societies reveals significant disparities that hinder equitable access to resources.</p> <p>In response to these challenges, the article proposes solutions grounded in Islamic principles, such as strengthening zakat institutions, promoting Islamic microfinance, implementing fair taxation policies, and fostering economic diversification. Additionally, it highlights the importance of good governance, transparency, and ethical business practices in creating a just economic environment. The findings underscore the potential for Islamic teachings to inform and enhance modern economic policies, advocating for a comprehensive approach that aligns economic practices with moral values. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to the discourse on economic justice within Islamic societies, illustrating pathways to achieve greater equity and social welfare for all members of the community.</p> Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Manj, Khuzaima Saeed, Muhammad Qamar Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 China- Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Relation to Cultural Exchange -Truck Art <p> </p> <p>The significance of China-Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) is evident in economic development and in the promotion of local culture. CPEC has created new resources for cultural exchange and has developed a new scope for Pakistani Truck art to flourish. The colorful painted trucks on the silk routes and other communication links under this project have become a source of cultural flow between the two states. This research concentrates on establishing socio-cultural and economic interconnection between the two countries through cultural exchange programs. The Truck art exhibition in Beijing held in 2023 for three months reflects the multidimensional aspects of Truck art as a cultural icon, to turn into a major exponent in the trade relations between Chima and Pakistan. The extrinsic analysis of Truck art along with the cultural, economic, and social aspects highlights the evolving role of Truck art in the promotion of local culture, skill and knowledge. The outcomes of the research suggest that the cultural crossover is impacting countries positively. The introduction of the Truck art in China as the representative of Pakistani culture is a source to open new gateways for the cultural productions and is beneficial in creating new markets for the local consumer goods. This cross-cultural project is a source to present before public the possible future cultural products, to encourage the viewer to concentrate upon the relationship between cultural heritage and technological innovations.</p> Nomana Masood, Dr. Ahmad Bilal Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Islamic Jurisprudence: A Comparative Analysis with Western Legal Systems <p>The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses significant ethical challenges across various legal systems, including Islamic jurisprudence. This paper explores the ethical implications of AI in the context of Islamic legal principles, comparing them with Western legal frameworks. It examines the foundations of Islamic ethical thinking, analyzing how AI technologies intersect with key concepts such as justice, accountability, privacy, and human dignity. The paper further explores the role of AI in issuing fatwas (Islamic legal rulings), the cross-cultural ethical concerns associated with AI, and the opportunities for creating localized ethical guidelines that respect both Islamic and global standards. Through a comparative analysis, the study identifies the challenges and future directions for integrating AI into Islamic jurisprudence, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and international cooperation. The findings suggest that AI technologies must be developed and implemented with careful consideration of Islamic ethical standards to ensure they promote justice, equity, and human dignity in Muslim-majority societies and beyond.</p> Muhammad Ahsan Hayat, Shayan Ahmed, Syed Arsalan Haider Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 حضرت عمرؓ کے خطبات سے اخذ شدہ احکام و مسائل: ایک علمی و تحقیقی مطالعہ <p>History is a witness to the fact that in the nature of the Arabs there was harshness, national struggle and rebellion against the royal order, but after taking shelter in the shade of Islam and receiving the grace of the companionship of the Prophet ﷺ, the heart of the Arabs became faithful. They became famous and they became possessors of high morals and character, but those who converted to Islam in the last days of the Prophethood had some traces of ignorance left in their hearts, which could not get rid of this ignorance even with the passage of time. As soon as Hazrat Umar took over the caliphate, he did not neglect his subjects in any way; there was no work that was hidden from him. The hearts of the people were greatly affected by your fear and terror, and the workers were very afraid of you, even the most rebellious could not say anything in front of you. Hazrat Umar's life is full of struggle, courage and strength, patience and steadfastness, judicial piety and humility, knowledge, insight and foresight, and the special reason for this was that during the caliphate of Hazrat Umar, the cultural condition of the Arabs changed.</p> Asma Iqbal, Dr. Sameera Safdar Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ڈاکٹر نصیر احمد ناصر: ایک شخصی و علمی تعارف <p>Dr. Naseer Ahmad Nasir: was a notable Islamic scholar and philosopher from Pakistan, born in 1916. He is Famous for using the term of Aesthetics. &nbsp;His book on &nbsp;biography of Muhammad,&nbsp;<a href="">Paighambar e Azam O Aakhir</a>, was one of the most important biographical works in Islam of recent times, and in 1978۔ it was selected as one of the best biographies of Muhammad by Rabita al-Alam al-Islami of the Muslim World League at Saudi Arabia. He also wrote numerous books on philosophy, aesthetics, and Islam. In 1977 he was appointed the Vice Chancellor of Islamia University, Bahawalpur. Dr. Naseer Ahmad Nasir's important contribution to philosophy was his research on Aesthetics and its foundations in Quran. This work eventually was published in a book Jamaliaat Quran e Hakeem Ki Roshani Mai (Aesthetics in the light of Quran). Dr. Naseer Ahmad Nasir has authored more than 20 books. Thus, the only acceptable tafseer is that which adheres to the following sequence:&nbsp;tafseer of Quran by the Quran, then by the Sunnah, then by the sayings of the sahaabah, then by language, and finally by opinion, as long as it is based on the preceding four methods and does not contradict any of them. In this article we will introduce the personality of Dr. Naseer Ahmad Nasir, his biography, and his contributions towards Islamic literature. He Translated&nbsp;&nbsp; Quran and wrote Tafseer of quran in Three volumes which has unique style of writing a Tafseer as it contains Vocabulary of different Arabic Dictionaries. Used English terms and urdu and Arabic poetry while translating and interpretations of the Holy Quran. Purpose of writing this article is to introduce his unique styles of writing and his personality.</p> Aftab khatoon, Tahira Munawar, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Manj Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 قرآن میں غیر عربی الفاظ سے متعلق استشراقی نقطۂ نظر: منٹگمری واٹ اور رابرٹ سپنسر کی آراء کا تقابلی جائزہ <p>This research article examines the perspectives of two prominent Orientalists, Montgomery Watt and Robert Spencer, on the foreign vocabulary of the Qur’an. By conducting a comparative analysis, the study examines how each scholar interprets the Qur'anic vocabulary, particularly the loan words and their impact on the understanding of Islamic texts. Montgomery Watt's approach is characterized by a historical contextual analysis, emphasizing the cultural exchanges between the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring civilizations. In contrast, Robert Spencer's viewpoint often reflects a more critical stance, focusing on perceived inconsistencies and the implications for Islamic theology. This paper aims to highlight the nuanced differences in their methodologies and conclusions, shedding light on how these perspectives shape broader discussions within Islamic studies and contribute to ongoing debates about the Qur’an’s linguistic heritage. Through this comparative study, we seek to gain a deeper understanding of Orientalist scholarship and its influence on modern interpretations of the Qur'an.</p> Dr. Tariq Aziz, Hafeeza Bano Arain, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Manj Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 اقبال اورفیض کی اسلامی فکر و دیگر اشتراکات: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ <p>Iqbal and Faiz are two famous poets. Both poets are native of the Sialkot City (Pakistan). Both had studied Arabic and Islamic studies under Shamsul Ulama Maulvi Mir Hassan. Both poets were highly educated and specialized in social sciences. This article is not a comparative study of these poets in such a way that Iqbāl is proved superior to Faiz, Because Faiz himself admires Iqbāl’s art and intellect in his writings. This article involves of the study of common factors of their personal, intellectual and artistic approach.</p> <p>Both poets believe that humanity is based on love and compassion. Both have made their poetry a powerful tool for achieving people's rights. They have opposed the factors and trends that humiliate and harm human beings. Both poets have strongly opposed religious extremism, sectarianism, racism, and prejudices based on language and region, and have composed poetry for people and Muslims around the world. &nbsp;Freedom of expression and the rule of law are the main themes of both poets.</p> Muhammad Tahir Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تعلیماتِ اسلام کے جمالیاتی پہلو اور ان کے تہذیبی اثرات <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Allah Almighty is the creature of this marvelous universe which is a master of His artistic creation. Everything in this universe glorifies Him with His prays in his own way and style. Having a thoughtful glance, we come to know that all these beautiful manifestations are the aesthetics signs of a glorious and dignified Creature.</p> <p>Man is such a beautiful and versatile creation as it deserves to be the best owing to its excellent attributes. He can grow, move, talk and think which lack other creations according to their status and stature. So, it is obvious that the Beautiful Creature (احسن الخالقین) created not only beauty but beautiful creation in a beautiful formation for beautiful deeds and actions following the beautiful role model of the great Prophet Muhammadﷺ.</p> <p>Likewise are His teachings which are encompassed in His last Holy Book “Quran.” Every teaching of this Holy Book is the reflection of beauty of the creator. The esteemed Revealer made His last Prophet Muhammadﷺan embodiment of His glorious and multifarious teaching called “Islam” or “Shariat.” The dignified creator declared His last prophet the beautiful “Role Model” اُسوہ حسنہ for mankind.</p> <p>These teachings left indelible imprints on all walks of life. As for as civilization and culture is concerned, Islam left no stone unturned in its beautification and betterment which ultimately decorates human life as per standards of righteousness.</p> Syed Haroon Gull Shah, Dr. Tahir Masood Qazi, Dr Hafiz Muhammad Hamid (Corresponding Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 برصغیر کےمنتخب سیرت نگاروں کی کتب سےعصری استفادہ : تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ <p>The study of Sīrah (biographies) has been an essential part of Islamic scholarship, providing deep insights into the lives of key historical figures, particularly the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and their impact on Islamic civilization. This research focuses on the selected Sīrah writers from the Indian subcontinent, analyzing their contributions to the field of biographical literature. These scholars, through their writings, have not only preserved the essence of Islamic history but have also contributed to the intellectual and spiritual heritage of the region. The research investigates the thematic concerns, narrative techniques, and methodologies adopted by these biographers, identifying how they have shaped perceptions of Islamic history in the subcontinent.</p> <p>Moreover, the study delves into the modern-day relevance of these works, emphasizing how the themes explored in these biographies, such as ethics, leadership, justice, and social responsibility, remain crucial in addressing contemporary societal challenges. By examining the impact of Sīrah literature on current Muslim thought, the research highlights how these works continue to inspire and guide individuals in navigating moral and ethical dilemmas in today’s world. The critical and reflective nature of this research aims to assess the potential for the adaptation of classical Sīrah texts for modern educational purposes, social reforms, and spiritual enrichment. Ultimately, this study demonstrates the timeless value of Sīrah writings as a bridge between past wisdom and contemporary needs, offering valuable lessons for modern-day Muslim communities in the subcontinent and beyond.</p> Atta Rasool, Dr. Farhat Naseem Avi Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 نوجوانوں کی اخلاقی،معاشرتی و معاشی اصلاح: قرآنی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ <p>This research paper focuses on the moral, social, and economic development of youth in the light of Quranic teachings. The study explores how the ethical principles, social guidelines, and economic instructions provided by Islam contribute to personality development and societal harmony. The Quran emphasizes virtues such as truthfulness, patience, justice, and repentance while discouraging vices like dishonesty, greed, and injustice. Additionally, the economic teachings in Islam encourage lawful earning and responsible spending. The research concludes that adhering to these principles leads to the comprehensive reform and empowerment of youth, fostering a balanced and progressive society.</p> Iqra Nahid, Dr. Muhammad Kalim Ullah Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 الأسلوب التربوي في قصيدة "وصية الألبيري لابنه":دراسة تحليلية <p>This study examines the educational methods derived from Al-Ilbiri's advice to his son, a significant Islamic heritage text that offers valuable educational guidance. The research aimed to analyze this advice from a contemporary educational perspective and explore its applicability in modern education. A questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data from a diverse sample of teachers, researchers, and academics. The findings revealed that the educational methods presented by Al-Ilbiri, such as the promotion of ethics and values, encouragement of critical thinking and independence, and providing practical life advice, remain highly effective and can be integrated into current curricula. The study also found a notable alignment between these methods and modern educational practices, with potential adaptations to meet contemporary needs. The validity of the questionnaire was ensured through expert review, and its reliability was measured using the test-retest method. The research concludes that integrating the principles of Al-Ilbiri's advice into educational curricula can significantly contribute to the development of moral values and the enhancement of cultural identity among students, with recommendations for developing interactive educational units focusing on the values discussed in the advice.</p> Dr. Abdul Saboor, Dr. Haiam Nasreldin Abdu Ramadan Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 صعوبات الداعى تواجها في دعوته في ضوء التفسير الوسيط للقرآن الكريم <p>Dr. Sayed Muhammad al-Tantawi one of the prominent scholars. He was late Sheikh of Al-Azhar 1996 AD to 2010 AD .He was&nbsp;&nbsp; known for his moderate Islamic thought, which combine tradition and modernity. He played a prominent role in reforming Muslim society by mitigating intolerance hatred and ignorance. He was a great preacher and authors. He authored ‘’ Tafsir al-Vasit li ‘I –Quran al-Karim, which is modern Tafsir that contains specific role for proper methodology of dawah .and in this paper the researcher tries to uncover the Difficulties of dawah which are faced by preacher toward other preacher in the light ofTafsir of Dr Tantawi.</p> Dr. Abdullah, Dr. Wahab Gul, Umar Hayat Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 عبداللہ بن عمروبن العاص، حیاتہ وصحیفتہ : دراسۃ استقرائیۃ تحلیلیۃ <p>This research is an inductive and analytical study of what has been authentically established about the noble Companion ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ regarding his preservation of the Prophetic Sunnah through the *Ṣaḥīfah al-Ṣādiqah* (The Truthful Scroll), which he narrated from the Prophet ﷺ. This scroll is considered one of the earliest examples of documenting the Prophetic Sunnah. The researcher reached several conclusions, the most important of which include:&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li>The authenticity of the attribution of the *Ṣaḥīfah* to ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿAmr, which he narrated from the Prophet ﷺ.</li> <li>The reliability of its chain of transmission through his grandson, ʿAmr ibn Shuʿayb, from his father, from his grandfather.</li> <li>The degree to which hadith scholars accept this chain of transmission and the extent to which hadith scholars and jurists have relied on the traditions and rulings contained within it.</li> </ol> <p>This study comprises three main topics, addressing the life and knowledge of ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿAmr (may Allah be pleased with him).</p> Hamid Mahmood, Abdul Satar Copyright (c) 2024 Al-NASR Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000