Honoring the Sacred Duty: Orphan Care in Islam and Pakistan
Orphans are facing various issues. Caring for orphans holds a sacred position in Islam. It is a sacred duty that has been emphasized in the Quran and Sunnah. This paper examines the practices of orphan care within the Islamic framework. It is an attempt to declare that orphans are never alone, within the Islam. The concept of orphan care in Islam differs from traditional adoption practices in Western societies. Islamic law offers a unique approach that safeguards the orphan’s original biological identity in case of adoption. The Islamic system for orphan care through adoption establishes a temporary arrangement that obliges guardians to safeguard and provide the orphan with all their physical, emotional, and spiritual requirements, as well as guard their property as a trustee. This system ensures that orphans receive the love and support they need while also preserving their identity and connection to their heritage, as well as inheritance. Islamic law provides a comprehensive framework for caring for orphans. Pakistan, as an Islamic republic, adheres to Islamic law and is therefore bound to design policies for orphan care in accordance with the injunctions of the Quran and Sunnah, as highlighted in this paper.
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