قرآن فہمی میں عقل کا مقام اوردائرہ کار :تجزیاتی مطالعہ
The position and the scope of the Intellect in Understanding Quran: An analytical study
The Almighty Allah made man the best of creations in the world, appointed him as his caliph on earth, and blessed him with the fantastic powers of intellect and wisdom to distinguish between good and evil and determine the purpose and aim of his life and hereafter. Can decorate. Based on wisdom, man has been made obligated to obey the Shariah orders, the final blessing distinguishing him from other people. When this blessing ceases, the pain and responsibility also cease. In the Quran, it is repeatedly recommended to explore the mysteries of the universe and understand the commands of the Quran through reason, contemplation, and deliberation. The Quran emphasizes turning to reason and wisdom and ensures a circle for using the intellect. Among the three sources of knowledge, senses, intellect, and revelation, the intellect has been subordinated to divine revelation; revelation is the primary source of knowledge, and where there is a conflict between revelation and reason or intellect, revelation will be followed in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah. In this article, these issues have been highlighted analytically, and the importance of intellect in understanding the Quran has been highlighted. The research is conducted using a narrative research method.
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