منتخب غزوات: قرآن حکیم کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ
Selected Ghazwāt: A Study in the Light of Holy Quran
Ghazwa refers to the war campaign in which the Prophet ﷺ himself participated. In this way, Muhammad ﷺ participated in a lot of Ghazwat. Similarly, a few Ghazwat have been mentioned in the Qur'an, but in this research work, these few selected Ghazwats are described, which have been mentioned in the Qur'an. Besides this this Research work described the conditions and purposes of these selected Ghazwats. And the purpose of this research work is to tell people the methods and principles of war.
Al- Imṝan, 3:123.
Al-Aῄfal, 8:41.
Al- Aῄfal, 8:6-8.
Al-Aῄfal, 8:9-10.
Nadvi, Abu-ul-Hassan, Nabi Rehmat, Nadwatul Ulma, Likhno, 1987, Jild 1, 223.
Al- Imṝan, 3:152.
Al- Imṝan, 3:155.
Al- Imṝan, 3:160.
Al- Imṝan, 3:172-175.
Ibn-e-Jozi, Abdur-Rehman, Al Wafa Bahawala Mustafa, Hamid End Company, Lahore, 719.
Al-Hashar, 59:2.
Ibn-e-Hashsham, Muhammad Bin Abdul Malik, Al-Seratul Nabvia, Dar-e-Ibn-e-Hazam, Bairot, 2019, Jild 1, 191.
Al-Ihzἇb, 33:9-10.
Kandihilvi, Muhammad Idres, Mōulana, Seerἇt-ul-Mῡstἇfa, Maktabah Usmania Lahore, 1985, Jild 2, 312.
Mansor Puri, Muhammad Sulaiman, Qazi, Rehmatullil Alamin, Markazul Hurmainul Islami, 2007, Jild 1, 146.
Al-Ihzἇb, 33:26-27.
Nomani, Shibli, Mōulana, Seerat-un-Nἇbi, Idarah Islamiyat, Lahore, 2002, Jild 1, 270.
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