مشرق وسطیٰ میں امن و امان کے عصری مسائل: تنقیدی جائزہ

A critical Analysiss of Contemporary Peace Issues in the Middle East


  • Dr. Ahmad Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Punjab University of Technology, Rasul Mandi Bahauddin
  • Dr. Muhammad Shafeeq HOD, Department of Islamic Studies, The Green International University, Lahore
  • Saba Yousuf Doctoral Candidate, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore, Lahore




The Muslim Ummah has much more problems in the contemporary era. Although, Islam teaches the Muslims to be united, but they are divided due to some reasons. This article is about Ummah’s these interior issues. The narrative methodology is used in it. The Muslim rulers have become the political agents of Neocolonial System after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. They took part in this tragedy and thus the formation of the so-called Israel, a Zionist state, easily took place according to the Crusaders preparation. The establishment  of Muslim Caliphate's hope is running out due to the militant trends in the Middle East. Freedom fighters are declaring as terrorists and Islamic political parties are not allowed in politics while the militant groups like Islamic State of ISIS and Yemeni Houthi rebel etc. are ruling in Iraq, Yemen and Syria which are destabilizing countries now. The mutually cold war of the Gulf States hollowing out each other and increased opportunities for Uni-Polar Power who wants to fix Bloody Borders. Lack of unity in the Ummah and inability of our rulers are the cause of crisis of leadership of Muslim countries. The Shiites and Sunnis sectarian conflicts replaced as Rafziyat and Nasbiyat. These both extremist groups want to control the two holy cities of Islam. Iranians should not miss the brilliant chance to regain Jerusalem, otherwise they should face the divine warning of Sufyani before Imam Mahdi.


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