پیغمبرِاسلام کا یہودِ مدینہ سے سلوک: ولیم منٹگمری واٹ اور رابرٹ اسپنسر کی آراء کا تقابلی جائزہ
Prophet Muhammad’s treatment with Jews of Medina: A Comparative Study of W. Montgomery Watt and Robert Spencer’s Views
A majority of western scholars have targeted the polices and treaties of Prophet Muhammad with Jews of Medina. This paper compares a number of historical information about the Prophet Muhammad relationship with Jews presented by W. Montgomery Watt and Robert Spencer in their Quran Commentaries. The study adopts qualitative and descriptive research method. For this purpose, explanatory notes of both scholars about the different verses of Quran on the present topic were selected, analyzed and compared in the light of Quranic sciences of Tafsir. The research shows that Prophet Muhammad’s teachings and actions uphold human values and tolerance. The Prophet Muhammad never imposed anybody to become Muslim at that time. This paper rejects views and hostile blames of both western scholars. This paper also describes the context of the Prophet Muhammad treatment with Jews of Medina. While Prophet Muhammad has been criticized for taking advantage of this power and being violent, this article argues otherwise. Through the examples provided, it becomes evident that Prophet Muhammad preferred peace first and foremost at all times.
Dr. Hāfiz Muhammad Saʻad ullāh, Islāmī Riāsat aur Ghair Muslim Shehrī (Lahore: Aks Publication , n.d), 628.
Abdul Qādir Jīlānī, Islām, Paghamber e Islām aur Mustashraqīn Maghrib kā andāz e fikar (New Dehli: Aaraib Publication, 2007), 325.
Abul Aʻlā Maudūdī, Al-Jihād Fī al-Islām (Lahore: Holy Quran Complex, 2006 AD),302.
G.M. Draycott, Muhammad: Founder of Islam (New York: Dood,Mead & Company,1916),177.
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E Roystan Pike, Muhammad, Founder of the religion of Islam (London:Weifen Field & Nicolson,1962 AD),49.
P.D.Lacy Johnstone, Muhammad and His Power (New York:Charies Scribers's,1901 AD),17 .
Dr. William Montgomery Watt is a famous Scottish Orientalist and Islamic Scholar. He was born in 1909. He got his higher education from Edinburgh and Oxford Universities. The last Orientalist died in 2006. He wrote many books and articles on Islam, Quran and life of the Prophet Muhammad. He also wrote a commentary of the Quran “Companion to the Quran” along with his other books on the Quran.
Robert Spencer is an American anti-Islamic writer. He was born in 1962 and has a background in Catholic Christianity. He got his Master Degree from University of Chapal Hill. He is a Director of the website Jihad Watch. He has published more than twenty books on Islam, Quran and other themes. His two books have been the New York Times best seller books. He also wrote a Quran commentary, “Blogging the Quran”. His has planned to publish his new Quran commentary, “The Critical Quran: The key Islamic commentary and Contemporary Historical Research” in November 2021
William Montgomery Watt, Companion to the Quran: Based on The Arberry Translation (London: George Allon & Unwin Ltd., 1969), 192.
Watt, Companion,192.
Watt, Companion, 259.
Watt, Companion, 259.
Watt, Companion, 259
Spencer, Truth about Muhammad, 164.
Zayed, The Lies about Muhammad, (New York: Create Space,2010),52.
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Spencer, Blogging,158.
Spencer, Blogging,153.
Spencer, Blogging,152.
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Watt, Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman,130.
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Saʻd Ullāh, Islāmī Riyāsat, 638.
Hamīd Ullāh, Paghambar-e-Islām, 592.
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Watt, Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman (London: Oxford University Press, n.d),149.
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