’’الاخبار الطوال‘‘ از ابوحنیفہ احمد بن داؤدالدینوری مترجم پروفیسر محمد منورمرزا :تحقیقی و تنقیدی مطالعہ
“Al-Akhbar al-Tiwāl” by Abū Hanīfa Ahmad ibn Dawood Al-Denorī Translated by Prof. Muhammad Munawwar Mirzā: Analytical and Critical Study
This article is a critical study of Prof. Muhammad Munawwar’s translated version of Al AkhbarulTawal(Arabic) by Abu Hanifa Ahmad Bin Dawood Al Denori a man of letters. Abu Haneefa Al Denori was the eminent Arabic scholar, linguist, botanist of 3rd. c. AH. He is the author of many books, but, unfortunately, most of his books are not available now. His treatise ‘Al Akhbar-ul-Tawal’ is considered an old but most reliable resource book of Islamic history. Like other Arab compilers, he also starts off his history with Adam, continues up to the detailed description of HazratUmer’s conquest of Iran, the clash between Hazrat Ali RA and Ameer Muavia RA, and the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain RA. His style is based on scholarly narration. Prof. Muhammad Munawwar translation of ‘Al AkhbarulTawal’ with all its technical terminology, and non-Arabic words is a prestigious work. This book may be helpful in resolving many confusions relating to the early period of Islamic history. Very few of the books display such quality of Arabic-to-Urdu translation.
Hāmid Baig Mirza, Urdu Tarjmay kī Rewayāt, 1786 (Islamabad: Dost Publication, 2016A.D). 20.
Dr. Nisār Ahmad Qureshī, Rewāyāt aur Fun (Islamabad, Muqtadara Qoumi Zaban, 1985A.D),26.
Prof. Muhammad Munawwar, Mutarjam, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl (Lahore:Urdu Science Board, Tabah II,1986A.D) Malahzat Mutarjam, swad, Bay.
Dr. Hameedullah, Muqadamma, Mutarjam, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl (Lahore: Urdu Science Board, Tabah II, 1986A.D) Malahzat Mutarjam, swad, wao.
Dr. Jamil Jalibi, Aristo se Eliot tuk (Islamabad National Book Foundation, 2003A.D),13.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbar-ul-Tawal, Alif.
Abd al-Munam Amir, Muqadamma Tahqeeq, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl (Qahira: Dar-ul-ahya-al-kutab Al-Arbia, 1960A.D) swad, Bay.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, Jeem.
Al Denori, Abū Haneefa, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl (Misar: Al- Maqtaba-tul- Azharia, Tabah II 1330 AH) ,02
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 81.
Al Denori, Abū Haneefa, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 73-74.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 174.
Dr. Abdul Aziz Sahir, Jamil Jalibi, Shakhsiyat aur Fun lamabad: Academy Adbiyat Pakistan, 2007A.D), 107.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 129.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 129.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 99.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 246.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbar-ul-Tawal, 126.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 229.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 82.
Munawwar, Al-Akhbār al-Tawāl, 82.
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