رعایت ِمصلحت اور اس کی عصری معنویت: صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم کے طرز عمل کا مطالعہ
Expediency and its Contemporary Significance: A Study of the Companions’ Approach
Human Needs; Rules and Laws; benefits; Expedients; Disadvantages; ProhibitionsAbstract
How dear the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ were to follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of ALLAH. He would do the same as he saw the Prophet ﷺ doing, and whatever he saw the Prophet ﷺ stopping from doing, he would also stop doing it himself. The pleasure of the Prophet ﷺ lies in the fact that the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ should be considered as the first source after the Qur’an in solving rulings and problems, and the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ were the practical example of this. kept happening. The scope of human needs and expedients is so wide that it is very difficult to include them in rules and laws. Needs and expedients are first laid, then rules and regulations are set to give them a systematic shape. Change in them in terms of time and place, diversity in terms of opportunity and practice, and new needs are such inevitable situations that the jurists prove the rule by making the need a standard, find more reasons for preference and based on this, the harmful side is ruled out. Leaving and taking another useful aspect. In fact, in formulating rules and laws, Islam has had this point of view that through these rules and laws, profit is obtained and harm is paid. The ordinary material eye cannot even imagine it. Sometimes at first glance something seems to be very useful and effective for the individual, social or cultural life of a person, but in terms of deep consequences, there are such disadvantages in it that we cannot even imagine them. In the same way, a thing appears to be harmful and useless, but in fact, there are many benefits and interests hidden in it which we cannot realize. Apparently, war and bloodshed are a bad thing in that there is a fear of one's own death, but in some situations, it becomes inevitable that without it neither life can survive nor evil can be remedied, and sometimes war becomes necessary for the establishment of good. Is. But there are certain needs and expedients in which even prohibitions become permissible.
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