قیامِ ریاستِ اسلامیہ کا نبوی منہج: ڈاکٹر نثاراحمد کے افکار کا خصوصی مطالعہ
Prophetic methodology for the Development of Islamic State: A Study of Dr. Nisar Ahmad's Thoughts
This debate is the most important need of the hour in today's era: how did Islam emerge as a political force during the Prophet's (peace be upon him) era, and what were the basic political principles on which Islam continued to spread as a political force during the Sahabah's (peace be upon him) era. And why does the future of Islam appear so bleak in Muslim countries today? Although such questions (subjects) are sometimes thought to support the position of some Orientalists. Instead of acknowledging Islam as a religion of God Almighty, they appear to demonstrate that it is only a political system, and that the Prophet of God, is merely a political leader rather than being recognized as the Messenger of God. Watt, Hallaq, William Muir, and Michael Hart are among them.
There is no doubt that the Prophet's biography is a perfect example in every respect. Therefore, as a political leader, He (PBUH) is the greatest and most successful leader in the world, that is why Michael Hart also ranked Him first. He founded a great ideal state in the Hijaz region with limited time and limited resources. On the other hand, the sad thing is that in the present era, the religion of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has become a stranger in the so-called Muslim nation-states. What was the plan for the establishment of the Muslim state of the Prophet's era, which achieved great success? What are the reasons for the poor patriotism of Islam in modern Muslim nation-states? How is it possible to remedy them? The article under review is very useful to understand the answers to the above questions.
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Dr. Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā (Lahore: Kitāb Sarā̒y, n.d), 88.
Alquran, Alrrum, 30:40.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 26.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 89.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 92.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā,134.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā,, 136-148.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 83
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā,, 157-168
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 134-150
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 150
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 30-170.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 265-275.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 250-300.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 250-300.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā,.340.
Nisar Ahmad Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 355-357.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 87.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā, 150-170.
Nisar Ahmad, Ahad-e-Nabvī main Riāsat kā Nashv-o-Irtiqā,.364.
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