تعمیر کردار و شخصیت میں عبادات کا کردار: قرآن کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ
Role of Ibādāt in Character and Personality Development: A Study in the Light of Qur’an
The personality of a human being is the first and foremost unit of mankind and of all the sources, the Holy Quran is the best source for character formation and personality grooming across the globe. Through its pristine teachings, Quran has laid great stress on personality development through all types of Ibādāt. Ibādāt in Islam is a comprehensive concept that embraces all human endeavors. In the present article an attempt has been made to analyze and interpret the role of Ibādāt (worship) in character and personality development. The focus of this study is to explain and accurately understand the concept of Ibādāt and its role in character and personality development from the perspective of one of the most solid Islamic documents, i.e. the Holy Quran. This paper provides the detailed explanation of the verses of the Holy Qur’an that emphasize on Ibādāt and ultimately these teachings have a strong impact on personality development. The present study, presents the content analysis of Qura’nic verses along with the opinions of Muslim scholars on the topic under discussion. The conclusion of this paper emphasizes the need of understanding the Quranic concept of Ibādāt and to follow the guidelines provided by the Quran for personality development.
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