افکار صوفیاء، قرآن و سنت کی روشنی میں‘‘میں تصوف پر نقد کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ’’
An Aanalytical study of Criticism in Sufism in "Afkār-r-Soofiā, Qurān-o-Sunnat kī Roshanī mein"
Sufism has various acceptances. A large portion of Muslims have accepted it as important Islamic entity and lived their lives accordingly. On the other hand, some others have denied it and considered it against Islam and its teaching. It is because of the teachings mixed in Sufism by the people after the reign of Khair ur Qurun. Some mutualistic and worldly greedy people confused the real teachings of Sufism with that of Chinese, Buddhist and Greek thought of meditation. There was a time when Sufism was considered as meditation and living life of loneliness and being separated from society was considered to be more powerful in relation with Allah. But in actual it was a right concept. In this regard a lot of Islamic Scholars criticised Sufism as a negative image of Islam and treated it as against the teachings of Islam. This article deals with one of those concepts and clears that real Sufism is not against Islam. It clears that there are some misconceptions among scholars and general masses about Sufism. These misconceptions must be removed by literary activities.
Muhammad Sādiq Khalīl, Afkār-e-Soofiā: Quran o Sunnat ki Roshni main (Faisalabad: Ziā al-Sunnah,1 404), 9.
Sādiq Khalīl, Afkār-e-Soofiā, 9.
Sādiq Khalīl, Afkār-e-Soofiā, 11.
Sādiq Khalīl, Afkār-e-Soofiā, 14
Sādiq Khalīl, Afkār-e-Soofiā
Sādiq Khalīl, Afkār-e-Soofiā, 17.
̒Alī Ibn al-Jād Ibn ̒Ubaid al-Jowharī, Musnad Ibn-e-Jād (Beirūt: Moasisa Nādir, 1990), Hadith No: 1347, 1:459.
Ibn ̒Ubaid al-Jowharī, Musnad Ibn-e-Jād, 33.
Ibn ̒Ubaid al-Jowharī, Musnad Ibn-e-Jād, 28.
Ibn ̒Ubaid al-Jowharī, Musnad Ibn-e-Jād, 49.
Ibn ̒Ubaid al-Jowharī, Musnad Ibn-e-Jād 52.
Abū ̒Abd al-Rehmān, Muhammad Ibn Hussain al-Sulamī, Tabqāt al-Soofiā (Beirūt: Dār al Masadr), 22-24.
۔ Ibdi, p:60-70
Abū Nasar ̒Abdulllah Ibn Sirāj Al-Towsī, Al-Lama fī al-Tasawuf (Lahore: Islamic Book Foundation), 495.
Ibn Sirāj Al-Towsī, Al-Lama fī al-Tswuf, 121.
Ibn Sirāj Al-Towsī, Al-Lama fī al-Tswuf, 11.
Ibn Sirāj Al-Towsī, Al-Lama fī al-Tswuf, 127-126.
Ibn Sirāj Al-Towsī, Al-Lama fī al-Tswuf, 121.
Ibn Sirāj Al-Towsī, Al-Lama fī al-Tswuf, 147
Syed Abd al-Wahāb Sharanī, Al-Yawaqeet wa al-Jwahir (Faisalabad: Nooria Rizwia, 8.
Abd al-Wahāb Sharanī, Al-Yawaqeet wa al-Jwahir.
Abd al-Wahāb Sharanī, Al-Yawaqeet wa al-Jwahir, 11.
Ziā al-Hassan Fārooqī, Aina Tasawuf (Lahore: Zāhid Bashīr Printers, 1999), 77.
Fārooqī, Aina Tasawuf, 69.
Sura Yousuf 12:53.
Sura Al-Shamas 41:9.
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