قرون وسطیٰ میں فکری تحدیات اور مسلم مفکرین کا فہمِ نص
Intellectual Challenges in the Middle Ages and the Understanding of the Text by Muslim Thinkers
Atheism, Epistemology, Intellect, Prophets, Quranic Text, Revelation, Secularism, Sense, Western CivilizationAbstract
Epistemology of Western Civilization is famous all over the world. Sense and intellect have preference in sources of knowledge over revelation. In the result the position of the Prophets had forbidden. Western Scholars and Thinkers have honor and well respected. A large number of people are inspiring them. The waves of Secularism and Atheism have increased due to it. It is need of the hour that Muslim Thinkers increase their efforts for the comprehension of Quranic Text. It is much important in contemporary intellectual challenges. This article encourages the Muslims that Islam had also faced challenges in the middle ages, similar to the above mentioned. Muslim Philosophers, Scholars and Intellectuals solved all problems. They were well known of Texts. Their efforts to understanding the text lead us today. It is a narrative study of their intellectual efforts told by the modern historians. Problem of both eras are examined and solution is made through it.
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