Women Rights in Pashtun Tribes of Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities
In Pakistan, women make up more than half of the population and are respected as independent persons under Sharia and Pakistani law. Nevertheless, gender-based violence and sexism remain serious problems in Pakistan. Especially in the Pashtun tribes of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a region in Pakistan that were originally known as Pashtun tribes, women still struggle with land ownership, forced marriage, education, the hijjab, and other issues. Religious laws allow this kind of discrimination, but it's important to remember that in Pashtun society, culture sometimes takes precedence over religious teachings. The aim of this study is to address the questions: to what extent do women contribute to these kinds of discriminations? How and who is more accountable for them, religion or society and why these practices were once supported by Pashtun tribes? The paper will also explore the true spirit of Islam regarding above mentioned rights of women.
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