أساليب الدعوىة في التفسير الوسيط للسيد محمد طنطاوي
Methodology of Dawah to preaching Islam in the light of Tafsīr al-Vasīt li‘I-Quran al-Karīm by Muhammad Sayeed al-Tantāwī
The Methodology of Dawah to preaching Islam, in the Tafsīr al-Vasīt li‘I-Quran al-Karīm by Muhammad Sayeed al-TantāwīAbstract
Dr. Sayed Muhammad al-Tantawi was one of the prominent scholars. He served as the Sheikh of Al-Azhar from 1996 to 2010. He was known for his moderate Islamic thought, which combined tradition and modernity. He played a significant role in reforming Muslim society by addressing intolerance, hatred, and ignorance. He was a distinguished preacher and author. He authored "Tafsir el-Wasit li al-Quran al-Karim," which is a contemporary Tafsir that emphasizes a specific approach for proper methodology in dawah. In this paper, the researcher aims to reveal the Methodology of Dawah to preaching Islam in the light of Dr. Tantawi's Tafsir.
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