شرعی سزائیں: منٹگمری واٹ اور رابرٹ اسپنسر کی آرا کا تقابلی جائزہ
Ḥudūd Punishments: A Comparative Study of Montgomery Watt and Robert Spencer’s Views
Watt, Spencer, Quran, Orientalists, Hudud.Abstract
Islam is a complete code of life that encompasses faith, culture, law and the social order. It proposes a society of righteousness and justice. Criminal behavior is not tolerated in the Islamic order of society. This type of behavior is breach of God’s sovereignty, hence stiffer penalties are prescribed. This paper examines opinions of two western scholars found in their Quran commentaries about hudud punishments in Islamic penal system. The writers apply historiography, comparing and content analyzing methodologies in this study. The findings suggest that both orientalists thinking and approaches have shown a debatable point of view and biased judgment in evaluating Islamic legal system.
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