A Case Study of Proverbial Treatment Towards Women in Balti Patriarchal Society
Proverbs, Gender roles, Translation Processes, Gender Ideology, BaltiAbstract
The present study seeks to expose how Balti society has discursively constructed gender roles by translating proverbs. It examines how gender ideology affects translation processes and techniques the translator employs when translating proverbs. The research analyzes 14 proverbs responsible for gender dichotomy, selected from the book “Tam Lo” by Hasni (2004). Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis has been taken as a research perspective used in this study. For research methodology, Farahzad's Model (2009) of Translation Criticism has been utilized by the researchers in the current study. The findings reveal that in Balti androcentric society, women are viewed as unable, reliant, dependent, submissive, fractious, unfaithful, rude, sentimental, deceitful, deceptive, crafty, dim-witted, and unreliable in the eyes of the public. The study also discloses that a translator's ideology greatly impacts the translation process. This research will contribute to the already existing knowledge on gender studies of Balti society in particular and translation studies in general. Furthermore, this research will help raise awareness among Balti society, particularly among men, to refrain from exploiting women. Additionally, it is anticipated that study readers will create a stance of abstaining from gender discrimination.
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