Allama Iqbal’s Epistemological Approach Towards Religious Ontology
Ontology is a branch of knowledge which is related to the types of existences which are two types the Phenomena and the Noumena. Epistemology is a branch of knowledge which explains the nature and existence of the physical objects which have surrounded us thus the is called the phenomena world. But there are some non-physical ‘phenomenoa’ which Kant had described as the Noumena world. For the former, the human rationality and observation are the types of epistem0lgy which provide answer to some extent. But for the later, these epistemological sources are not sufficient. Thus religion proclaims that it has answer to all these ‘noumenal world’ and metaphysical existences.
Here is Allama Iqbal’s understanding and views that what epistemological approach Islam adopts and how it interprets and explains the noumenal existence such as, the concept 0f God, the human beings, the nature of human beings, their relation to the world, the God and the relationship between the noumenal and phenomenal worlds and the roll of theses explanation in the status of the human beings.
Muhammad Iqbāl, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan,1982),167.
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Dr. Abdul Khaliq, Companion to Allāma Iqbāl’s Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. (Lahore: Department of Philosophy, Punjab University, 2001), 24.
Ibid., 40.
Al-Quran 95:4
Muhammad Iqbāl, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan,1982), 39.
Ibid., 202.
Shāhid Hussain Razzāqī, Discourses of Iqbal (Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan, 2003), 212.
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