سیاسی منافرت : عصری مسائل اور قرآن و سنت کی روشنی میں ان کا حل
Political Hatred: Contemporary Issues and their Solutions in the light of Quran and Sunnah
The political maters have diversified dimensions in the world which humanity adopts for the cause of its need to manage the life. Therefore, the political system uses for the will of God with the services to people for their betterment. In Pakistani society, the political system polluted the human mind with hatred against other person or party. This study explores the contemporary trends of political hatred among political parties, persons and seniors’ leaders for their personal achievement accordingly. This research highlights the causes of this detestation with trying to put remedies and solutions according to Qurʼān and Sunnah. The Holy Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him) has had vision to build social stability because of tolerance and calm-ness in the society as a political leader. The Prophetic approach provokes Muslim leaders to promote peace and stability in the society and present good way of services in the humanity. This research ventures to move on the direction and suggests that the best possible strategy to begin with focusing Islamic teachings for all leaders in the world.
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حسنین کریمین جنتی جوانوں کے سردار ہیں؛حدیث پاک میں ہے :"الحسن والحسین سیداشباب اہل الجنۃ"۔
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