صفتِ ’’کلام اللہ ‘‘سے متعلق سلف صالحین کے عقائدونظریات: اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ

The Beliefs and Theories of the Salaf-e-Saliheen regarding the Attribute "Kalām Allah": A Study in the Light of Islamic Teachings


  • Muhammad Usman Bajwa M.Phil. Islamic Thought & Civilization University of Management and Technology, Sialkot
  • Dr. Asjad Ali Assistant Professor, Department: Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot
  • Dr. Abdul Aleem Assistant Professor, Department: Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot




Islam, religions, attributes, ideas, Salaf Saliheen.


All the religions of the world present the concept of God, but they are unable to introduce the real God. They talk about the problems of the people, but they cannot give the true knowledge of their real creator, while on the contrary, Islam is a complete religion. Akmal is religion. It contains guidance for every corner of the life of this world and the hereafter. However, since the creation of Adam, false forces have been busy trying to create confusion and doubts in the religion of God. But despite this, from the creation of Adam until now, false forces have been busy trying to create confusion and doubts in the religion of God. This is the reason why many theologians have misled people by resorting to analogies in the attributes of Allah Ta'ala. have tried to. One of the attributes of Allah Ta'ala is to speak. In the past and present, there are many people with false beliefs and ideas who deny the attribute of Allah, ``the attribute of speech'' and by misusing the language of philosophy and logic. People of faith try to mislead people with weak faith. In the past, our predecessors rejected this theory in a comprehensive way and exposed this false thought to people that having such a belief is against the Book and Sunnah, so this in this article, the same effort of Salaf Saliheen will be explained in the light of Quran and Hadith.        


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Al-Qur’ān 17:112

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Al-Qur’ān 64:8

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Al-Qur’ān 5:64

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Al-Qur’ān 28:88

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Al-Qur’ān 39:20

Al-Qur’ān 52:48

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Al-Qur’ān 6:103

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Al-Qur’ān 16:60

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Al-Qur’ān 2:253

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Al-Qur’ān 23:108

Al-Qur’ān 7:22

Al-Qur’ān 20:89

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Al-Qur’ān 18:109

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Al-Qur’ān 55:29

Al-Namrī, Ahmad Bin Hamdān, Nihayah Al-Mubtadeaeen Fi Asool Al-Din, (Al-Riaz, Al-Saudiah:2004), p: 26

Ibn al-Qayyim, Sawa'iq Al-Mursalah 'Ala Al-Jahmiyah Wa Al-Mu’atilah, p:854

Ibn al-Qayyim, Sawa'iq Al-Mursalah 'Ala Al-Jahmiyah Wa Al-Mu’atilah, p:855

Al-Qur’ān 16:40

Ibn Taymiyya, Sharh al-Aqeedah al-Asfahaaniyyah, p:53

Ibn al-Qayyim, Sawa'iq Al-Mursalah 'Ala Al-Jahmiyah Wa Al-Mu’atilah, p:846

Al-Qur’ān 34:23

Muḥammad b. Ismā, īl al-Bukhārī, al-jāmi ‘al-Ṣaḥīḥ, (Alr-Riaz: Dār as-Salām, 1998), Hadīth:4800

Al-Shawkānī, Fath Al-Qadīr, Vol:4, P: 430

Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal al-Dhuhlī, Musnad Ahmad, Hadīth:16042

Abdullad Bin Ahmad, Kitab Al-Sunnah, Hadīth:92

Abdullad Bin Ahmad, Kitab Al-Sunnah, Hadīth:93

Abdullad Bin Ahmad, Kitab Al-Sunnah, Hadīth:95

Abdullad Bin Ahmad, Kitab Al-Sunnah, Hadīth:97

Abdullad Bin Ahmad, Kitab Al-Sunnah, Hadīth:99

Abdullad Bin Ahmad, Kitab Al-Sunnah, Hadīth:100

Abdullad Bin Ahmad, Kitab Al-Sunnah, Hadīth:47

Al-Qur’ān 6:9

Abū Dāwūd, al-Sunan, Hadīth:4734

Abdullad Bin Ahmad, Kitab Al-Sunnah, Hadīth:102


