نوجوانانِ ملت کے لیےامام حسین کے پیغام و مشن کی معرفت کی ضرورت و اہمیت: قرآنی تعلیمات اور سیرت طیبہ کے تناظر میں ایک مطالعہ
Need and Importance of Knowing the Message and Mission of Imām Hussain for the Muslim Youth: A Study in Context of Quranic teachings and Sīra of the Prophet
Beloved of Allah, the light of the heart, the tranquility of the eyes of the Seal of the Prophets, peace be upon him, the sanctified and exalted personality of Imām Husaīn, may peace be upon him, does not require any introduction. With the charm and comprehensiveness of your noble being, along with your immense and unparalleled sacrifice and global message, the attention of every conscious and conscientious person on Earth has been drawn towards you, transcending all divisions of religion, sect, country, nation, race, and tribe. Individuals of various backgrounds have devoted themselves according to their capabilities to the study and dissemination of your esteemed and extraordinary existence, as well as the hidden lessons and messages within it. Whoever, whether a writer or an individual, has studied the life of your sacred existence from any perspective, has discovered the utmost heights of perfection in your exalted essence. However, it is worth noting that until this moment, no one has emerged who can claim to have encompassed all aspects of your noble life through speech and writing, without any deficiency or thirst. If all these written works are compiled, they can be considered as a voluminous collection. Therefore, here we shall briefly delve into our topic and engage in discourse within its scope. Raqīma has made an effort to shed light on the subject of "Introducing Imām Husaīn (AS) to the youth of the Muslim ummah in the light of Quranic teachings and the Prophetic tradition" in order to explore a fresh perspective. This endeavor aims to acquaint the youth of the Muslim ummah with the sublime essence of the exalted position of Imām Husaīn (AS) by drawing inspiration from Quranic teachings and the Prophetic tradition.
Al-Shu'arā 42:23.
Abū Qāsim Sulīmān, trans. Gulām Dastgīr Chishtī, Mʻjam kabīr tibrānī (Lahore: Āṣif Ṣiddīq printers), 2575.
Maṭlūb Aḥmad Chishtī, Hqqā kah bnā lā ilā ast Husīn, Jhung Magazine (Lahore: Jhang Group of publication, 30 aug, 2020), 75.
al an'am 6:59.
Abn Shhr Āshūb Māzandrānī, Al-Mnāqib Āl-abī Ṭālib (Qum: Mūssah antshārāt-e-ʻAlamah, 1379 Q), 3:397.
Māzandrānī, Al-Mnāqib Āl-abī Ṭālib, 3:397.
Aḥmad Ibn yaḥyā balazrī, Ansāb al-ashraf (Al-Tbāʻah wa al-nashr wa al-twārīkh, 1417 Q), 3:142.
Al Hijr 15:9.
Al Fajr 89:27-28.
Al Baqarah 2:152.
Al Baqarah 2:2.
Wāḥid Kurāsānī, Miṣbāḥ al-hadī (Qum: Madrissah al-Imām bigīrihī al-ʻUlūm, 1393).
Al Aḥzāb 33:33.
Al Insān 76:5-9.
Al-Nisā 4:69.
Az-Zukhruf 43:28.
Al-Haṣhr 59:7.
Shīkh ʻAlī mutqī al-Hindī, Kanz al ʻUmmāl fī sunan al-aqwāl wa afʻāl (Karachi: Dār al-ashāʻat), 6:223-295.
Shīkh ʻAlī mutqī al-Hindī, Kanz al ʻUmmāl fī sunan al-aqwāl wa afʻāl (Karachi: Dār al-ashāʻat), 6:223-295.
Saḥīḥ Bukhārī
Muhammad Baqir Majlsī, Biḥar al-Anwār, (Teḥrān: Islāmiyah, 1363 AH), 43:303.
Abu ʻIsa Muhammad Ibn Surah Ibn shaddād, Jami` al-Tirmidhi, (Lahore: Maktba bīt al-salām, 2017), 13:198-199.
Rashīd Zamīzam, Imām Hussīn kay karāmāt sy jaḥlak trans. Hasan Muhammad Anṣārī, (Karbla: Media section Rūḍah-e-Aqdas Husīnī), 18.
Al-Raʻʻd 13:28.
Al-Baqrah 2:156.
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