ادبیات تصوف میں مکتوبات کی روایت:سلسلہ نقشبندیہ کے تنا ظر میں ایک مطالعہ
The Tradition of Letters in Sufism: A Study from Context of Naqshbandī Sūfī Order
Sufī, Naqshbandia, MaktūbātAbstract
In South Asia, more than 500 million Muslims live here. Despite the religious and social diversity, much the colors of Islamic thought and civilization are seen today. That is the fruit of great Sufī’s sincerity, wisdom, and loyalty with Islam. Especially after the 15th century AD, when various rulers came to power and tried to talk about the religion of Islam in their own way, then Naqshbandia order played a vital role to maintain the pure position of Muslim thought and civilization. According to the requirements of that era, Naqshbandi Sufīs adopted the tradition of (Maktūbāt) letters for reformation and wrote letters to different people on different matters according to their circumstances. These great Naqshbandi Sufīs have served the duty of mind-building, character-building, focused on the good and fought against the evil via letters with their capacities. In this article, an attempt was made to discuss the Naqshbandi Sufīs letters and its importance, impact and dimensions.
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Muhammad Iqbal Mujadadī, Mūqadimah: Māmulāt-e Mazhariyyah, 28. 29
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