الأسلوب التربوي في قصيدة "وصية الألبيري لابنه":دراسة تحليلي

The Educational Approach in the Poem 'Al-Birri's Advice to His Son: An Analytical Study


  • Dr. Abdul Saboor Lecturer, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Sargodha
  • Dr. Haiam Nasreldin Abdu Ramadan Assistant Professor, Al-Mustaqbal University, Al-Qassim – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Al-Ilbiri's Advice, Educational Methods, Ethical Values, Modern Education


This study examines the educational methods derived from Al-Ilbiri's advice to his son, a significant Islamic heritage text that offers valuable educational guidance. The research aimed to analyze this advice from a contemporary educational perspective and explore its applicability in modern education. A questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data from a diverse sample of teachers, researchers, and academics. The findings revealed that the educational methods presented by Al-Ilbiri, such as the promotion of ethics and values, encouragement of critical thinking and independence, and providing practical life advice, remain highly effective and can be integrated into current curricula. The study also found a notable alignment between these methods and modern educational practices, with potential adaptations to meet contemporary needs. The validity of the questionnaire was ensured through expert review, and its reliability was measured using the test-retest method. The research concludes that integrating the principles of Al-Ilbiri's advice into educational curricula can significantly contribute to the development of moral values and the enhancement of cultural identity among students, with recommendations for developing interactive educational units focusing on the values discussed in the advice.


