قرآن کریم میں دوزخ کا تصور: مترادفات، مدلولات اور دینی مباحث کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

The Concept of Hell in the Holy Quran: An Analytical Study of Synonyms, Connotations, and Religious Discourses


  • Dr. Muhammad Muawiya Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan
  • Husnain Muawiya MPhil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan
  • Syed Iftikhar Ali Gilani Doctoral Candidate, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, International Islamic University, Malaysia/ Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan




Holy Qur'an, Hell, Punishment, Hell s names, Hereafter, Hellfire


In the Holy Qur'an, the basic approach adopted by Allah for warning and is that of Hell and punishment. When Allah Ta'ala described the details of the Hereafter and the punishments, then it is clear that the punishment will also be given in the Hellfire. You will live forever in it and their deeds will be punished for what they will live in the world. By looking at this issue, it is further known that hell has many names and many levels and where it is located and the nature of punishment in it is also different. This article is being presented to discuss all these discussions. That is, what are the names of Hell in the Holy Qur'an, how many are its levels and what are the purposes of Allah with the Concept of Hell. In Urdu, the composite word "Hell" is used for this meaning, so this word is being discussed as a basis.





