الاتجاه الاجتماعي في التفسير "الهام الرحمن" للشيخ عبيد الله السندي: سورة الرعد أنموذجا
Social thinking of Maulānā Ubaidullah Sindhī' in the light of Tafsīr Ilhām al-Raḥmān: Surah Al-Raad as a Model and Example
Social thinking, Maulānā Ubaidullah Sindhī', light of Tafsīr Ilhām al-RaḥmānAbstract
“Ilham al-Rahman” is an exegesis of Holy Quran that was dictated by Sheikh Ubaidullah al-Sindhi to his disciple Maulana Musa Jarullah, who was a Russian scholar. This exegesis is in Arabic language and it attempts at reading the scripture in social context. In exegesis the Holy Quran has been read in the light of social rules, that is why this exegesis covers all the major aspects of social life including politics, sociology and economics. Because of this relevance, many different revolutions have been mentioned at different places in this Tafseer. It has one basic quality that makes this work trustworthy knowledge, that being it's citing qur’anic verses and applying them in accordance to the historic period that this exegesis was attempted in. Furthermore, instead of reloading qur’anic words especially with mishaps and events, the citations have been kept general.
The reason or logic of this is that the Holy Quran is an eternal source of guidance for every human being till the day of judgement. And the aim of revealing the Holy Quran is to rectify the wrong and misleading traditions trends that are found in every age.
Moreover, this Tafseer has been written in the light of the rules of the first Islamic thinker of the subcontinent Imam Shah Waliullah. In it the five trustworthy knowledge sources or episteme are used and the usage of commonly understood words is regarded as a basic rule of knowing.
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